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funconf 0.3.0 documentation

funconf with begins

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funconf with begins

The motivation for funconf was to build a simple file configuration management capability that integrates with the command line interface tool begins.

Walk through

Taking this example YAML configuration file demo.conf:

# Foo
  bar: 4
  - how
  - are
  - you

# Bread
  butter: win
  milk: fail

Applying it to this simple program

import begin
import funconf

config = funconf.Config('demo.conf')

def foo(*a, **k):
    "This is the foo code"
    print("Foo got a=%s k=%s" % (a, k))
    print("Config is:")

def bread(*a, **k):
    "This is the bread code"
    print("Bread got a=%s k=%s" % (a, k))
    print("Config is:")

def run(*a, **k):
    "This is the run command that controls all"
    print("Run got a=%s k=%s" % (a, k))
    print("Config is:")

def entry():
    "This is a super dooper program..."

You will end up with the following help from the main:

$ python -h
usage: [-h] {bread,foo,run} ...

This is a super dooper program...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit

Available subcommands:
    bread          This is the bread code
    foo            This is the foo code
    run            This is the run command that controls all

Now you can see how the funconf.Config object has been bound to the run() function:

$ python run -h
usage: run [-h] [--foo_bar FOO_BAR] [--bread_butter BREAD_BUTTER]
                   [--foo_moo FOO_MOO] [--bread_milk BREAD_MILK]

This is the run command that controls all

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --foo_bar FOO_BAR     (default: 4)
  --bread_butter BREAD_BUTTER
                        (default: win)
  --foo_moo FOO_MOO, -f FOO_MOO
                        (default: ['how', 'are', 'you'])
  --bread_milk BREAD_MILK, -b BREAD_MILK
                        (default: fail)

Finally, to see how the funconf.ConfigSection objects foo and bread have bound to their respective functions:

$ python foo --help
usage: foo [-h] [--moo MOO] [--bar BAR]

This is the foo code

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --moo MOO, -m MOO  (default: ['how', 'are', 'you'])
  --bar BAR, -b BAR  (default: 4)


The default values read into the funconf.Config object from demo.conf will be overridden by begins when it passes in user defined option values from the command line. As soon as your program entry has executed, you will now have a simple up to date global object which represents the programs configuration state.

Find out more in the funconf module documentation.

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